
Monday, April 7, 2014

Homework #5: Chores

Mother: Children, Grandma and Grandpa are coming to visit this evening and I need you to help me with some chores. Have you all made your beds?

Children: Yes, Mom.

Mother: Tommy, I want you to fill the dishwasher and then wash and dry the big dishes that can't fit in the dishwasher.

Tommy: Okay.

Mother: Tracy, I want you to take out the garbage. Then sweep and mop the kitchen floor, okay?

Tracy: Sure. I'm excited Grandma and Grandpa are coming.

Mother: And Evan, would you please clean the bathroom?

Evan: Oh Mom, I hate cleaning the toilet.

Mother: Okay, you clean the sink and bathtub, and I'll clean the toilet. But then I would like you to help your Dad clean out the garage. Deal?*

Evan: Yeah.

Mother: Okay then, let's get started. I'm going out to mow the lawn. Come get me if you need me.

*Deal?= do you agree?

chores- something that has to be done that we don't really enjoy. In this case- things (work) that needs to be done in the house to keep it in good condition
Examples of chores:

make the bed- arrange the blankets to look nice
wash the dishes/ dry the dishes/ put the dishes away
fill the dishwasher/ empty the dishwasher- put dishes in, take them out
take out the garbage (or trash)- from inside to outside
sweep the floor- with a broom  bulletmop the floor- with a mop  bulletvacuum the rug (or carpet)- with a vacuum cleaner
clean the bathroom/ clean the sink/ clean the toilet
mow the lawn (or grass)- cut the grass
clean out the garage- remove things that don't belong there

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